Response body

On failure, we return an HTTP code >= 400, which will contain the following fields.

statusHTTP Status code. See HTTP Responses
codeA string indicating the kind of error. See Error Codes below
messageHuman readable description of the error
helpUrlA link for having more information about the error

Error codes

The API may send the following error codes for known errors. We try to make the error code as meaningful as possible, but we provide more description there. We will keep adding error codes in the future.

AUTHORIZATION_CLIENT_NOT_FOUNDThe client_id provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the client_id provided by Shine.
AUTHORIZATION_CLIENT_SECRET_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe client_secret provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the client_secret provided by Shine.
AUTHORIZATION_REDIRECT_URI_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe redirect_uri provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the redirect_uri you provided on your registration. If you want to change your redirect_uri, you need to contact Shine customer support.
AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED_SCOPE_NOT_AVAILABLEOne of the scopes provided as query parameter is invalid. See Scopes for a list of supported scopes.
AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED_SCOPE_NOT_AUTHORIZEDOne of the scopes provided as query parameter is invalid. You can only request scopes that have been authorized during your registration. If you want to request a new scope, you need to contact Shine customer support.
AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED_SCOPE_MISSING_OPENIDWhen you request the email, profile and/or phone scopes, you also need to request the openid scope. See Scopes for more information.
AUTHORIZATION_CLIENT_STATUS_NOT_VALIDYour account has not been validated yet or has been deactivated.
AUTHORIZATION_CODE_MISSINGThe code query parameter is required when requesting a token with grant_type=authorization_code
AUTHORIZATION_CODE_NOT_FOUNDThe code provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the code returned by the Shine OAuth2 server.
AUTHORIZATION_CODE_ALREADY_USEDAuthorization codes can only be used once.
AUTHORIZATION_CODE_EXPIREDAuthorization codes expire after one minute.
AUTHORIZATION_CODE_REDIRECT_URI_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe redirect_uri provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the redirect_uri you provided on your registration. If you want to change your redirect_uri, you need to contact Shine customer support.
AUTHORIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIREDAccess tokens expire after one hour. They can be refreshed using the refresh_token returned alongside the access_token by the Shine OAuth2 server.
AUTHORIZATION_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKENThe access_token provided in the Authorization header is invalid. Check that you're sending the access_token provided to you by the Shine OAuth2 server.

The Authorization header should follow the following format: Bearer access_token
AUTHORIZATION_MISSING_ACCESS_TOKENThe Authorization header is missing or the access_token is missing inside the Authorization header.
AUTHORIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN_WRONG_AUDIENCEThe access_token provided is not a Shine access_token. The aud claim should be You can inspect your access_token on
AUTHORIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN_MISSING_SCOPEOne of the scope required to access this resource is missing from your access_token. Check that you have requested this scope during your Shine Connect registration and when requesting access to the user.
AUTHORIZATION_ACCESS_TOKEN_FORBIDDENThe requested resource(s) can't be accessed with this access_token. It means that you may be trying to access data that don't belong to this user.
AUTHORIZATION_UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_TYPEThe response_type provided as query parameter is invalid. The only supported response_type is code.
AUTHORIZATION_UNSUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPEThe grant_type provided as query parameter is invalid. The only supported grant_types are authorization_code & refresh_token.
AUTHORIZATION_REFRESH_TOKEN_MISSINGThe refresh_token query parameter is required when requesting a new access_token with grant_type=refresh_token
AUTHORIZATION_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIREDRefresh tokens expire after one year. Refresh tokens can't be refreshed. To get a new refresh_token, the user has to go through the OAuth2 authorize flow again.
AUTHORIZATION_REFRESH_TOKEN_INVALIDThe refresh_token provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the refresh_token returned by the Shine OAuth2 server.
AUTHORIZATION_REFRESH_TOKEN_REDIRECT_URI_DOES_NOT_MATCHThe redirect_uri provided as query parameter is invalid. It should match the redirect_uri you provided on your registration. If you want to change your redirect_uri, you need to contact Shine customer support.
AUTHORIZATION_REFRESH_TOKEN_REVOKEDThe refresh_token provided as query parameter has been revoked. To get a new refresh_token, the user has to go through the OAuth2 authorize flow again.
AUTHORIZATION_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZEDThe Authorization header is invalid or missing.

The Authorization header should follow the following format: Bearer access_token